Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!! (Continued Again)


OMGOMGOMG!!! I found Breaking Dawn online! W00t!!! Go me!
There it is in case anyone wants it. I'm so talented. =) By the way, the picture on the top is my favorite fan made cover. Now time to read and reflect!!! XP

Edit: Lol, Charlie will just make some excuse that's totally off course. XD Like Bella's guess that Edward was bitten by a radioactive spider. XP I wonder when the baby is due though...

Edit: LOL. "You. Got. Food. In. My. Hair." *chortles* So funny. I hope that Rosalie never got in any food fights when she was little... Speaking of food fights, I remember my friends and I have this HUGE one at a birthday party... We were covered in icing, hot dog and hamburger buns, drenched with soda and juice... Oh yeah, and then we washedit off in her swimming pool!!! Good times... I feel sorry for her parents though. XD

Wait... So the baby might have 24 chromosomes? Same as Jake? Doesn't that mean the baby would be a werewolf? Uh... okay then... Human mom, vampire dad, werewolf baby... Interesting...

Hm... I wouldn't mind a romance going on between Jacob and Leah... =D But I doubt either of them is going to imprint, given that they've already been together so long, so if they were going to imprint, they would have done so a while ago...

Oh... Genetic dead-ends. Never thought of that. But Leah and Rosalie have more in common than that... They both don't want to be what they are either...

Edit: So it's either Edward Jr. or Renesmee. I like Renesmee better. Plus, I think the fetus acts more like a girl, since it's been scientifically proven that females enjoy people more, whereas males are more tempted by things. Moronic, materialistic males... Just kidding... =D

Edit: Ooh... Jake and Leah's talk about imprinting gave me the weirdest thought ever. Saying that Bella's baby is a girl, what if Jacob imprints on her? And if it's a guy, what if Leah imprints on him? Well, Leah probably wouldn't get near the baby, so scratch that. But wouldn't it be weird if Jacob imprinted on Renesmee? Weirder for Bella too... Your best friend in love with your daughter. XD

Edit: OMG, wtf? The fetus understands them? It's like the next genius... whatever it is! That's awesome though, that he isn't hurting Bella anymore. Looks like Bella might actually make it out of this human!

Edit: Oh God, oh God, oh God... It's a girl! Yay! But Bella's dying. Nooooo... No, Bella's going to become a vampire. Please. She can't die. She WON'T die. Ugh. Must see what happens.

Edit: Yes! I knew it! Well, not really, but I guessed it! Jake imprinted on Renesmee! And Bella can't be dead because the next part of the book is from her viewpoint! Yes!!! Well, she's going to be a vampire, but still... Now that I think about it though, It's even weirder than Quil and Claire... Jake loves a baby less than a day old, who is also the daughter of his best friend... o.o So if he marries Renesmee... He'll be Bella's son-in-law...? O.O

Edit: Hm... It seems like Bella has more self control than other newborn vampires... And Renesmee is half human! I'm guessing she looks human, but needs blood. I'd rather look like a vampire and need food. But whatever. XD

Edit: WHOA. This book is hecka weird. So I'm guessing that Bella is gifted with self control, and Renesmee is gifted with the talent of replaying her memories in other people's heads. And Jacob nicknamed Renesmee after the Loch Ness Monster (Nessie). I guess the nickname is kind of nice, and it fits too (Renesmee), but it's a weird namesake...

Edit: LOL. "Why don't you just tell me who wins?" "I do. Excellent." That's hilarious. To another thought, Jacob and Nessie. I figure it'll turn out okay, since Jacob loves Nessie and Nessie likes Jacob. That's so weird for Bella though. And onto another thought, since Nessie can obviously grow and age, does that mean she'll die someday? And she'll get older than her parents... That must be hecka weird, to be seventeen and eighteen while your kid is like, thirty-seven or something.

Edit: Oh my f-ing God!!! Who gives people (even if they're a couple) a house?!?!?! (Or a cottage even. I'm willing to bet, in addition to clothes, that they have furniture and everything in there too. That's actually my dream home though. A nice cozy cottage in the middle of the woods, but not too far from society, with vines and flowers growing around it.

Edit: Oh shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!!! Charlie's coming?! Crap! I would absolutely HATE Jake for this... Ugh. I have no doubt that Bella will control herself, but seriously! Phasing into wolfy Jake in front of Charlie, telling him he's going to be a grandfather, and that Bella's "changed." Damn. Yeah, I'd absolutely loathe Jake...

I'm totally exhausted. I'm going somewhere tomorrow... well, later today, so I have to get SOME sleep. More comments to follow, I promise!


Anonymous said...

shes everthing you want and everthing you cant have [[♥]]
i l♥ve this b♥♥k!!! said...

Dudes this book is da bomb I mean bBella just got to see her baby not long ago and now the babies giggiling at her mom and soon (on the next page) I saw that Renesmee says her first word.....guess what it is.....MOMMA.....SWEET......RIGHT!
Ya and Bella like tried to kill Jake ,but Seth hurt himself to stop her.Also Charlie just come over she hugged him didn't kill him I am so happy.And Charlie knows aout Jake and Charlie's sayin to keep this on the DL to Renne`.But right now I am in LOVE with this book LOL......We'll can't wait to see what happens next yippe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone out there who has not read these books and watched the movie. I will hunt you down(like james hunted bella)and.................get ya! Naw, im just kidden. But seriously read the books man thier FREAKIN SWEET!


AlexandriaValerieOC said...

the funniest part is Emmett's innuendos and pointed comments during Charlie's visit.

Anonymous said...

dang!!! charlie's came to visit and bella's contacts are almost totally gone!

Anonymous said...

omg!!i cant beleve bella had renesmee. I cant wait to see the movie.hopefully its as awesome as twilight was!omg!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!is all i can say!the best book ever made. no1 can top this book!i wish i could have a baby by edward!call me edward!:)

Anonymous said...

i have read this book and its good but the cover isnt a ring.