Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Even Day!

I officially like odd days better, even though I have Foss. Mock Trial is every day, Turbeville and Foss cancel each other out, Tussy and Block are both hecka easy periods, and Goldin and Pence are both nice, but the fact that my favorite teacher is Pence, and my favorite class is Ceramics 1 (which are both on odd days), makes odd days more fun than even.
Anyways, we have to swim starting this Friday for PE =/ and I can't swim, so... Little bit of a problem there. I'm going to talk to Ms. Block and maybe she'll teach me. XD
Anyways, apparently I'm three people's freshman. Melanie, Jung, and Ellen. Which is weird, because I barely know Melanie, and Jung keeps hitting me on the head with some textbook. Ellen's cool though. Speaking of Jung, today, I was jumping, and I jumped straight into the textbook. XD It was hilarious.

Colorguard today was... interesting. Just drill, but we furthered he "matador" tango thing. Basically, we still get picked up, carried around, and cartwheel off, but instead of spinning, the guy gets on a knew, and we do a front flip over his shoulder. XD It's so weird, but whatever. The band sounds hella good though. =D I have to go do math homework know. Ugh. Lol.

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