Saturday, August 23, 2008

Frosh Orientation/Schedule

Orientation was okay. Sort of boring, and full of seniors trying very hard to get us enthusiastic. It was funny, cuz there were a ton of seniors welcoming the freshmen when we went through the gate (like two huge lines, with people reaching out for high fives), and all the freshmen were just walking through looking embarrassed, so I was like, "Hm..." and took off running through the people. Then they were all like, "OMG, SHE'S RUNNING!!!" It was really fun and funny. XD Anyways, we got a grand tour and learned the Grizzly Fight Song and Rumble. As for my schedule, I don't really like it, plus it's totally messed. Right now, it's:

A: Unscheduled (and I'm supposed to have an A period)
1: Health, Fitch (even though I passed the stupid test)
2: Adv. Algebra 2, Turbeville (this is fine, since I knew I'd get Turbeville anyways)
3: Adv. English 9, Foss (I freaking wanted Kinavey! Gr! But I at least have Courtney in that class)
4: PE 9, Block (I heard that Block's okay, but I don't know. I don't really want PE in the afternoon...)
5: Biology, Pence (I don't know about Pence, but apparently all the Bio teachers are nice. I sort of wanted Bitnoff though...)
6: French 3, Goldin (this one's awesome; Ellen's in my class, and Goldin's really nice)

So yeah. I mailed my counselor (Ms. O'Malley), and I'm waiting for a reply. But whatever. If I have to keep this schedule, I'm going to be so pissed. It'll mess up my whole planned out Cal schedule...

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