Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!!


OMG, Breaking Dawn is on Limewire! Well, the first 14 chapters. But whatever! Breaking Dawn is on Limewire! W00t!!! I'm up to like Chapter 3 right now, I'll post more after I come to a shocking revelation or something.

Edit: I feel so sorry for Jacob... =( Like, I get him being mad that Bella and Edward are going on their honeymoon while Bella's human and Edward is a vampire, given what *cough* happens on honeymoon. But it's just so sad... Like Jacob loves Bella so much. I sincerely hope his wolfy thing comes into play sometime and he finds that "stronger than a soul mate" person...

Edit: WTF?!?! ISLE ESME??? I knw the Cullens were rich, what with their Porsches and Mercedes and Alice going crazy over decorating for parties, plus that diamond (or crystal) heart Edward gave Bella... but seriously, an island? Don't they cost like billions of dollars or something? Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude...

Edit: I want to go snorkeling!!! I've never snorkeled before, unless you count that time in Hawaii when my sister dragged me along and all we saw were a few fish and an eel that frightened the crap out of us cuz we thought it was going to attack us. Well, my sister did, I was more concerned with the fact that it might be a electric eel, since I can't identify eels. XD There's actually a lot of stuff I want to do, like 1) go snorkeling, 2) go on a cruise, and 3) go SKYDIVING! Plus a ton more.

Edit: Would Bella just make up her friggin mind!!! Does she want to be a vampire or not?!?! It's like saying now, "PLEASE let me be a vampire, I want to be a vampire!" then two minutes later, "Nevermind, I want to be human a little while longer," and then, "MAKE ME A VAMPIRE!" Ugh. I think Bella would be better suited to be a Libra and not a Virgo, since Libra's are supposed to be undecided on virtually everything.

Edit: What the f---... Yeah, they just "sort of already have a house there." WHO BUYS A HOUSE JUST IN CASE?!?! Okay, I'm good. The Cullens probably have like 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 trillion dollars or something. Wow.

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