Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Hate Stephanie Meyer...

She's ridiculously increased my expectation of guys... I mean seriously, what real life guy is going to kill themselves if their girlfriend/true love dies? And real guys can't run hella fast, or make dents in cars, or sparkle in the sunlight, or anything else that Edward can do. Ugh. I think I'm obsessed... I've gone as far as downloading the Twilight saga from Limewire (and wanting to put it on my iPod) because my parents won't buy me the books. I so want to read Breaking Dawn though! I can't find it on Limewire. Ugh. But yeah, I hate Stephanie Meyer... I wish some of the guys at my school were like Edward though... Like, not that they have to be super fast strong, sparkly, immortal, etc. but just... Edward-ish. I dunno. Oh well. I'll live with the guys in real life and dream about the fictional ones. XD Going back to reading my pirated copy of New Moon now! But is it really pirated? Cuz it gives credit to Stephanie meyer and everything, plus it's basically like me borrowing the books from one of my friends. Well, no one reads this blog anyways, so I don't think the police are going to show up on my doorstep anytime soon. I hope.

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