So fine, it wasn't that bad. I didn't get lost, but I DID have to ask for directions... twice. I friggin had to ask Melanie where the office was. XD That was so sad... But whatever. Anyways, I went in the morning, but Ms. O'Malley wasn't in, so I ended up going to Health and everything. Lol. Sasha was stuck in Health too, so when the teacher passed out policy sheets and stuff, I was like, "We can just go home and chuck these in the trash." XD
Adv. Algebra 2: Turbeville was okay, she seems like Mrs. Beggs. Like, by a lot. But the only homework we got was to cover our books and sign the policy sheet, plus a really easy algebra review worksheet. Lisa, Shannon, Tommy, Eric, and Linda are all in my Adv. Algebra 2 class, so at least I'll have some people I know.
Adv. English 9: UGH. I don't like Foss... Basically, she told us to get in alphabetical order, only she said, "Now, you guys are going to do a orthographic spacial!" It was like, "Uh... okay?" Then we got vocabulary words and we had to find a synonym, and Courtney and some other girl won, and their words were actually synonyms. Most of the words we got had like 5 different definitions and two of them were distantly related. But whatever. I don't plan to fail her class, so I hope I won't need the extra 2 point bonus.
Then after that, I went back to the counseling office and complained for my new schedule and got it, but the only two things that changed were my A period and 1st period.
PE: Basically, Block just told us to get our PE clothes and throw them in our locker. Technically, she told us to go up on the stage. Then I didn't see her again. For the whole day. But whatever.
Biology: OMG Pence is SO FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! Like, he was talking about the ocean, and he was like, "I like the ocean... and DAMMIT if I like the ocean, YOU'RE going to like the ocean too!!!" So yeah. Hard to believe he's like 60-70 or something. But he's so cool! Biology's going to be my favorite subject, like seriously. Oh yeah, and he said we were going on field trips and making sushi and calamari!!!
French 3: This was okay. Mme. Goldin seems really nice. She has this awesome French accent that she can turn on and off like a faucet. It's amazing. Anyways, I'm not really behind any of the French 3 people, so I think that I should be fine. Like, I might still have to work a bit harder, but I won't be as behind that I was afraid I would be.
Colorguard: We got our outfits today. They're so weird. o.o But whatever. I am officially a really bad Colorguard-er. Seriously. But whatever. Screw that. I just need the extracurricular points for my college application. XD Plus it's sort of fun. Haha.
So basically, my schedule is now like this:
A: Mock Trial, Barr (this should be okay, I hope. Probably lots of homework, but Pink Bunny and Alex can help me with that I hope.)
1: Ceramics 1, Tussy (they ran out of 3D Art 1 spots, but this seems pretty fun. Tussy seems really nice and funny, so that's a plus. Besides, I wanted to learn ceramics anyways, so yeah.)
2: Adv. Algebra 2, Turbeville (it's okay... I don't think I'll like it like Shack's class, but I guess I won't hate it either...)
3: Adv. English 9, Foss (this class I shall dislike. But whatever, I'll pass. I hope.)
4: PE, Block (it's PE. Running. Swimming. Cardio. What more can I say?)
5: Biology, Pence (COMPLETELY. TOTALLY. AWESOME. *see above description*)
6: French 3, Goldin (seems cool. Probably another of those, okay I'm in this class classes. But Ellen's there, so it should be okay.)
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