Friday, June 14, 2013

The Wholehearted

Work went pretty well. Data's finally starting to come together and look like it could work! Yay! Josh is sincerely pretty much the best boss I could ask for. He's super supportive and always there if I need help, and tried his hardest to make sure I get stuff done but have fun at the same time. I'm superbly blessed to be paired with him for this internship. (Plus he got me this insane stereochem modeling kit - it's bigger than my orgo textbook!)

Had fried rice for dinner! =D

Went to the GrX Ladies' Social (sweets and sharing!). Met a lot more of the wonderful women of GrX - The Wholehearted =]. These ladies are honestly so inspiring. Quite a few young moms, a lot of single women working in the city. They're all so honest and dedicated and passionate and funny, and they find God in all that they do. I don't know them all that well, but I sincerely respect each one of them. I can't even say how wonderful it is to be able to call them my sisters. It's going to be hard to leave at the end of summer.

On a related note, lots of brownies left! Tons of people brought sweets to share, so we ended up with leftovers of almost everything haha. Cream puffs, cupcakes, chocolate-covered pretzels, banana cream pie and banana bread... Grabbed a few cream puffs and a cupcake for Lucy, and the rest of the brownies came back home. Josh and Co. get a surprise tomorrow!

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