Had some general site safety training today. Got the emergency extension number hammered into my head - 42911. I remember it as the meaning of life followed by the emergency number, since you need it to save your life in an emergency haha. Also learned that in order to be safe in an emergency, sin. Or more accurately, S(afety) I(solate) N(otify).
Did a crapton of serial dilutions and NMR today haha. But it was fun, we talked a lot about medchem in general, college, built stuff with modeling kits... Josh also insisted on buying me a wireless mouse, and a modeling kit. Not sure if he ordered them, but I'm sort of excited. Building things with a modeling kit was absolutely amazing - Josh has a legit stereochemistry one, so it was super awesome. Made cucurbit[6]uril, which looks super awesome. I got insanely happy and excited and Sean called me a "toddler chemist" and told me it was because his toddler got super excited about normal things, like going on a train. Ah well. I guess I'm just enthusiastic about things. =]
Went to a taco truck for lunch! And hung out with Josh, Alan, and Sean at some unoccupied Amgen facilities. They have this thing where they get Cokes (the glass bottle ones) and put the empty bottles by a trash can to see how often they empty them.
Alan invited the interns up to the city tonight, so Lucy, Andrew, Blane, Liz and I met him there, as well as Joanne, a scientist in the Metabolic Disorders department. Headed to Off the Grid, which is basically a *huge* collection of food trucks accompanied by like, a bar and a lounge area, with a live band. It was legitimately awesome, and the food was *amazing.* We lost track of one another, but Lucy and I got bulgogi steak wraps from Bok Sam, which was basically bulgogi, rice, and beans sprouts in a sesame rice paper wrap. Had some coconut juice, and got ♥Love (creme brulee)! Chocolate base, topped with roasted mini marshmallows, golden grahams, double chocolate sauce and salted caramel. Absolutely delicious. I was super happy about that too.
We were walking down the hill after, and it was pretty dark - passed by a guy on the side of the road, and apparently Blane didn't see him, since he completely jumped and ran/hopped a few feet when the guy moved. Lucy and I laughed for about five minutes (Alan then proceeded to laugh at our laughing). We walked by the bay for a bit, which was gorgeous, look at the stars and the city lights. Headed up to Ghirardelli square - on the way there, I snapchatted Matt and Alan made tons of fun about me. Apparently my screen and thus my face on my screen were huge haha. But we walked around a bit more, hung out in the square, and headed back.
Today was just an amazing day haha. One downside though - left my phone charger at work, and my phone is officially out of battery, so I won't be available via text/call for a bit.
Going to see if I can pick up the charger tomorrow, do some grocery shopping with Lucy, maybe head up to the city again for some touristy things, and grabbing dinner with Jess! Super excited. This weekend is going to be fun. =]
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