Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to Work!

Raided Costco. Omnomnom. Dried mangos (finally!), bagels, chicken breast, spring rolls, coconut water, lettuce/spinach, eggs, cheese, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, granola... Super happy! We also won't need to go grocery shopping again haha - this needs to be eaten before we leave for summer shutdown the week of July 4th...

Went bowling with Eric, Ross, Peter, Lisa, Jessie, Giulio, and Vincent! Super bad. Eric was a boss, seriously haha. But it was tons of fun, got to catch up with them. =] Also had a super graceful exit - went around the circle giving a hug to everyone, then climbed in my car, shut the door, and proceeded to catch my hair in the doorjamb. Mom didn't notice, started driving, friends freaked out. Welcome to my life haha.

Drove back, unpacked, headed to GrX. Sean talked about the end of Matthew 3 and the beginning of Matthew 4 - karma vs. shame, the ways in which we are tempted... It was pretty great, and just a wonderful time worshiping our Father in heaven.

Speaking of which,

Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful fathers out there!

Back to work tomorrow! Tons more NMR (and maybe finally some ITC), bring it!

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