Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I've had people tell me I forgive too easily, that they admire me for my inability to hold a grudge, that they're awed by the fact that I've never actually hated anyone. And I do try to forgive whenever I can, which is always; we all make mistakes. We're all sinners.

But I realize that what makes it easier for me is my hope in the human race. We're not perfect; we never have and never will be. But I like to think that we strive to attain perfection. That every individual wants to become a better person. And I have faith in God, that He is helping us in our pursuits of holiness.

But is that naive? Is that too idealistic of me? Should I instead just be realizing that some humans have no desire to change? Is this idea that all people desire to become better people in a way compromising my forgiveness? I forgive because I want to believe that all people, even though they may not be "good" people, want to become better. But even when I know wholeheartedly that a person refuses to change, I should still forgive. Is my forgiveness grounded in a false idea?

At the same time, it's hard for me to believe that *all* people want to become better, especially when they seem to show no remorse for their sins, and continue to sin repeatedly. Do I really believe that these people want to become better? Honestly, even though I want to believe that's true, I'm not really sure. The answer is probably no. It's also definitely harder for me to forgive when the sins are directed towards other people, as opposed to me.

In what is my forgiveness grounded? Do I need a reason?

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