I love to do things for other people. When I have time, I just like helping out, making their hectic lives a bit easier, maybe bringing some happiness into an otherwise stressful and frustrating day. It makes me happy to help others. I do what I can.
And I like to say that I expect nothing in return, but I suppose that's not completely accurate. I don't *expect* anything, no, but I hope for things. I don't hope that people randomly do nice things for me, though many people do and it's much appreciated. But I do hope that when I ask for things from people, that maybe my request will be fulfilled. And though oftentimes they are, sometimes they aren't, usually with regards to the same people. In a sense, it makes me sad that they aren't as willing to help me as I once was to help them. That "if you can" means "I can" to me but "I don't have time" to them. That when I hear "if you *really* want," I see "I'd really rather you not," but they see "go ahead." And I don't hold any ill sentiment when that happens, but I definitely do get discouraged.
And I honestly shouldn't. No one is obligated to do anything for me, as I'm not obligated to do anything for anyone else. I do it because I want to, and therefore if they don't want to, I shouldn't feel as though I was entitled to anything. And I have so many friends who are so remarkably generous and amazing, regardless of the few who tend to not be as obvious or spontaneous in their shows of love. Who am I to judge? I don't know what's going on in their lives. And I have no doubt that all of my friends would help if I really needed it - if I made it clear that it was a big concern as opposed to a small favor or task. Who am I to complain? I'm remarkably blessed as it stands.
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
Deuteronomy 15:10
Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
Luke 6:30