Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bring the Tigers Back!

Rory: We have another addition to the saga of ---. They lost one of their canoes.

Maria: I feel like he gets addressed by Your Holiness more than yo Francis.

Jake K: They don't get signal.
Maria: So how are they calling us?
Jake K: You know...

Andrew: Hey Van ---! You're alive? Well done!

Chris C: Thanks for letting us know. No, just thanks for letting us know. No. Just thanks! From all of us.

Jim: What kind of weather are they having right now?
Maria: In Connecticut? Raining, according to my mother.

Jake K: Hey Jesse. We don't know why you were on hold.

Frosh: I actually like not having to shower.

Chris C: Well, some of them are nice to have. Or say that you have.

Caroline: Do you know where the box of red bags is that we knew we were going to lose?

Jim: The text was sent, but whether they read those directions is another question.

Andrew: If I had a child, it would be Ben.

Sarah: Andrew's such a cat. Like, if you made a cat a human, it would be Andrew.

Leader: Everyone knows where Nassau Hall is, right?
Frosh: Oh, that's the main one with the arch, right?

Andrew: GR is Vermont? I thought it was like Green Railroad in Massachusetts...

Frosh: I'm going to do that thing to you that you do when someone's choking, except just to make you throw up.

Delaney: I was so tired that when Bus 1 arrived, I shouted, "The South has risen again!"

Ben: The tent is peeing.

Rory: I don't want to be communicated with.

Rory: I'll be there until 10... 11... 9:40.

Caroline: Please don't get near me, I can't see that well.

Rory: Guys, be quiet. I'm getting a call, probably from the frosh... Hi, this is Rory from Command Center... Oh hi Rick.

Elizabeth: Oh, this is a table.

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