Caroline: She also doesn't have a history of spending time outside.
Josh (to a van): This is Josh from OA Support.
Erica: Command!
Josh: I mean, OA Command. I'm very tired.
Caroline: Van ---! We have some updates for you guys. -to Command- ...Do you guys know what those updates are?
Rick: The short description is not very long.
Josh (trying to pick up a phone): Ah shit ah oh. Dammit.
Rory: How many miles do they have?
Kathryn: Hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag
Elan: Tell them they'll definitely get the water. And we'll work on the other things, but no promises. And they're going to have a great trip.
Erica: There's no certified water dispensary, no.
Jake K: Just explain who you are, that you're supporting an orientation, drop Princeton if you have to...
Elan: How can you have a nine in his name?
Andrew: Hello? Helloooo? Please call back. Thank you.
Andrew: They might not take you up on the car ride, so just abduct them if necessary.
Kathryn: I'm sure you're associating my voice with evil things by now...
Rick: What are my options here?
Jake S and Erica: Rice...
Kathryn: Get Van --- on the line.
Sarah: Sure, what do I need to tell them?
Kathryn: That they're not going home tonight.
Sarah (to the tune of Grease songs): You better shape up, cuz I need a van...
Sarah: I thought T-shirt chair meant you put a T-shirt on a chair.
Jake S: Yeah, I go to meetings and put a T-shirt on a chair.
Rick: You're being very cooperative, it's just your bowels are not.
Chris Y: So should I get them another room or just order a crib?
Chris Y: I would enjoy the anonymity. Could def use it on the blog.
Kathryn: OA Command, this is you.
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