Monday, April 15, 2013

"It's a pleasure having students like you Erica."

I honestly thought I would never hear those words again, at least not for a while. It always seemed like something told to students who stood out in terms of academics, in addition to involvement on campus, personality, and other factors. At least, that's the message I got whenever I heard it in high school or prior. But I don't stand out here, and that's not a bad thing. Though I try to stay involved here at Princeton, and to keep my grades up, I'm nowhere near as involved as in high school, nor are my grades that high. Granted, this is from an adviser and not one of my professors, so scores potentially don't really factor in as much, but I never thought that in this university of thousands of extremely accomplished, exceptionally bright students and just great people in general, anyone would ever tell me it was a pleasure to have people like *me* as a student.

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