Monday, April 29, 2013


Morning was spent rushing from place to place and leaving events early haha. Got up a bit late for helping TASA set up, but went regardless. Lots of can-opening, chopping ai yu, and mixing in huge gallon jugs. Super delicious though! xD 

Got to orgo review late, left orgo review bit early. Went to Matt's arch sing, prepared more ai yu, and wandered around Communiversity for a bit. It was pretty fun, lots of food and random booths and happy people. =] Reminded me a lot of the Art and Wind Festival back home. Grabbed dinner, which was surprisingly good, then went back to do work.

Rest of the day was spent orgo and COS-ing. Funfunfun. Pretty stressful and I definitely felt (and still sort of feel) overwhelmed. I... can't even begin to express how unprepared I am. Ah well. Not sure I would change anything if I could. There are more important things in life, although I do need to get better at my balancing act (I never had a good sense of balance...) Back to studying for a bit, then bed. =]

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