Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Contented Busy-ness

There's so much to do, but it's going to be super awesome! For once I'm booked solely with things that I actually want to do. =]


Grabbing lunch with Prof. Reider today - not exactly sure what to talk about, but I really just want to hear about what he did at Amgen, and learn more about the company. I'm so ridiculously excited for the summer, I just sort of want an inside scoop on what working there will be like.

Heading over to sort out some TigerDeal stuff with Mehek - hopefully it works out well! I'll be so insanely excited if it works out well. Plus today's a beautiful day to be outside, so it'll be nice to grab some froyo or something from Fruity Yogurt after the meeting and walk back.

PUCS prospective major event in Frick from 7-8, which should be fun. Honestly, I'm not completely sold on chemistry. In a sense, I'm afraid that I like the concept of chemistry more than I like chemistry, and that I'm just afraid of not knowing what to do academically if I don't pursue that as a major. I feel like I sincerely do love it though, especially lab; I just don't do all that well in it and I still haven't had any actual experience with what I'd be doing as a career. Hopefully this will help me get a better idea, and this summer should help as well.

Tabling in Frist for Night Market from 8-10! Come get your tickets! They're 2 for $1! (The actual event is free, but get your tickets for food!)

Brief list of what I have for the rest of the week too...

Wednesday: Classes, then Phantom on Broadway!
Thursday: Mainly just classes and work (it's booked enough with academic stuff as is haha), but I get my prefrosh! Plus I need to see how my ceramics thing is coming along - I might be able to start glazing!
Friday: Classes, grabbing lunch with a friend, leading a Frick tour, tabling for TASA at Activities Fair, then a 6-hour shift at Night Market (all of you should come if it's geographically possible!)

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