Friday, December 5, 2008

Rachel's Challenge

... you just may start a chain reaction.

The assembly was pretty depressing, but it was really motivational too. Like I, personally, tend to judge people a lot and regret my actions later, but I'm working towards not doing that anymore. It made me realize how selfish we, as human beings, are. I mean, every person for themselves, huh? But I really want to make a difference in the world, even if it's a tiny one, so I'm accepting Rachel's Challenge. Are you? Lol.

But anyways, the assembly was really sad, and sort of creepy and unbelievable (I mean, she predicted her own death, and some dude in Ohio had a dream about Rachel's drawing), but it was pretty inspiring. And I'm really tired today, plus I still need to read Ch 3-4 of OMAM (why did Steinbeck have to be a writer? -.-), and do some two weeks worth of Chinese homework that I haven't started.

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