It wasn't as fun as the first day, but whatever. XD
We just wrapped presents. Except this time, we didn't have the chairs to put our sign on, so we actually had to have people advertise. XD Before Linda and Kevin came, I was advertising with our awesome sign. Basically, I was in my awesome Christmas outfit (red shirt, green skirt, white belt/tights, Santa hat), and dancing (well, shuffling right/left) and belting out Christmas carols every time someone came in the door. Hey, it worked though! I got way more customers that way than Linda and Kevin just standing by the door saying "Free Gift Wrap!" XD Then, I went down the line a few times, but I didn't have my boots on because they were stuffy, so this guy asked me why I didn't have any shoes on, so I was like, "Um... It's easier to run around advertising that way." XD Christina was like, "You should have said, 'I gift wrap with my feet! Duh!'" Haha. Then when we were wrapping, this one guy came over with 5 gift cards and made it a race between me and Christina, complete with narration (like the racetrack ones), which made me crack up so bad that I couldn't even wrap. Oh, yeah, we saw the guy who played I Spy with us on Saturday too!!!
Then Linda and Kevin came, and they basically just advertised for us. I tried to teach Kevin the proper way of advertising, but he refused to sing and dance. -.- Guys and their pride... Haha. Meanwhile, Christina and I had tons of customers who didn't care what type of gift wrap they had, so we gave them all fairies! Haha. The fairies are hella cute!!! XD We have to call them "magical little people" though, they've been called fairies, elves, angels, pixies... Then whenever we ran out of actual Christmas wrap, we just stole some from the counter. XD
Then Peter came again! Yay! We had to call him 3 times before he actually showed though. Haha, Christina and I are probably going to the movies with his on Christmas Eve, but we're not sure yet. Anyways, I was wrapping presents while he was here, and then he had to leave right after I finished, s I was like, "I didn't even get to talk with you!" XD Then Christina and I both got hugs, but I wouldn't let go of me (as in a really tight hug, like he's trying to kill you), so I just tried to choke him (for fun), but I don't think he felt it because he's tall. XD
Then we had this mob of sophomores. Riddy, Ellen, and Chey all came to help, but technically, they just sat there. And studied. Or read books. So I went and bought a Jamba Juice because I had nothing else to do. =P Kevin, Christina, and I were playing I Spy again, and we rock at that. =P Then I got tired, so I used Kevin as a pillow. But he ditched me. So I just slept on two chairs. XD
Then Kevin was talking about how his mom bet him $100 that he wouldn't get a girlfriend before junior year, so I was like, "You should just pretend someone's your girlfriend to get the $100." XD And I suggested Pink Bunny. But he didn't like that idea. XDD
Then Ellen, Riddy, Linda, and Kevin all left, so Christina and I went to Target for candy while Chey "guarded" the table. The Chewy SweeTart Minis are SOOOO good! Yummy! Then Chey left, so Christina and I just sat there reading magazines (well, taking the quizzes in there), eating candy, and wrapping the occasional present.
Total money earned was $914.20!!! Yay! That's like 45.5 backpacks! W00t!!!
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