Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pen Mods

Yeah, Courtney was posting about it on her blog, so I figured, what the hell? I'll look them up. XD I found this pretty awesome site called PenWish that sells pen mods and parts and just regular pens and crap. So I was scrolling through the Pre-Made Mods, and the Metal Comssa's look pretty dang awesome. =P Especially the ones with hoops, like the black hoop one. Too bad they don't have some like, say, a Metal Comssa Bling Blue Hoops (with the body part of the pen in the picture above, and blue/white hoops), because that would look pretty dang awesome. I'd buy it... even though I can only do TA (thumbaround). XDD Hey, I can do it on my left hand now too! XD And I can almost do TA Reverse on right. XD I was practicing with my chopsticks today because I was bored. Lol.
But yeah, it's a pretty cool site, and I recommend it for anyone who pen spins and need parts to mod pens (if you don't mind buying them online; the shipping is like, $5, so it's not that bad) or just wants ideas to mod pens. =D

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