Thursday, July 11, 2013

More To This Life

These days, I can't help but feel a longing for something I can't even express. It's partly that I want to be making a difference, but I don't know how, but it's also much more than that. It just seems like there's something I should be doing that I haven't been, somewhere I should be that isn't where I am right now.

It's something that, almost inexplicably, shows up almost more when I see happiness than sadness. Whereas tragedy makes me grateful for a greater Hope and Meaning, in true happiness and bliss, especially of others, I think I see a glimpse of what is to come.

Googled "More to this life" since I thought I remembered a quote; didn't find the quote but God led me to something better. =]

Same singer as "Cinderella" (linked here). I've decided he's one of my preferred musicians.

Praise the Lord for His never-ending love, faith, grace, and mercy.

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