Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lucky Strike!

*Super* short day today in terms of work...

We took the Bart down to SSF and the shuttle from there to work today, since we needed to take Caltrain to SF after work. Met up with Sid and Will on the shuttle, which was pretty fun. Their apartment complex is legitimately right next to the BART station - I thought ours was close, but it's got nothing on theirs haha. And they're right next to a Costco! =[ Oh well.

Ran a CB[7]+TMS+phenylenediamine iTC. The baseline was beautiful - completely flat, no blips or air bubbles. Except the measured uCal/s spikes were completely the same for the entire hour... Awkward. Decided to run a few controls but had to get to a few meetings beforehand (exec speaker series and a healthy summer food one).

Now of course when it came time for the controls, my base line would be completely screwed up... Super jagged, curved, not pretty at all. Restarted it multiple times too, taking my time each trial and it still didn't work... Didn't end up getting any control run bef
ore we had to leave, so I'm going in tomorrow to hopefully get it to work.


Met up with Lisa at Lucky Strike! It's a *super* nice bowling alley completely with a few pool tables, which doubles as a restaurant/bar. Insanely pretty and super awesome. I still suck at bowling, like always, but it's a ton of fun at least! Buffy, Mommaduck, Blaneman, Klank, Tsaichu... We've got some legit nicknames in our intern group haha. Snacked on nachos, fondue, fries, chips+salsa while we bowled. Super classy for a bowling alley, I swear.

Walked around for a bit, headed to the Mission for Bi-Rite ice cream! Honey lavender and balsamic strawberry. Absolutely delicious.

Wandered around for a while longer - Blane was tired and broke off to go home a bit early. The rest of us grabbed some food at a Thai place by the 16th Street BART stop and just talked for a bit. These people are absolutely amazing. Couldn't have asked for a better group of fellow interns!

Not too excited to head in to work tomorrow, but I really want this to work... Hopefully I can get myself out of bed haha. Meeting up with Kim, Michael, and Lance in SF in the afternoon too! =]

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