Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Calc Work Problems

Leaking buckets in wells, troughs shaped like cylinders and hemispheres... The world of physics is rather impractical at times. It's like, "You'll be able to apply this in real life later! But for now, we're going to make you solve scenarios that would never actually occur." Ah well. I finished my assignment and have no idea what I just did...


Anonymous said...

This is totally unrelated to your post, but you and simion are so cute together :3

Tsaichu said...


Anonymous said...

You. And Simion. Are cute. Together.

You seem to have a thing for white guys. xD

Tsaichu said...

-eyeroll- No, I'm pretty sure I do this to everyone... Guys and girls both. Please don't make a comment on that. xD

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, I see what's going on, don't deny it ;)

Tsaichu said...
