Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween/Homecoming Parades Tomorrow!

Guard all day tomorrow! Super excited! This is undoubtedly one of my favorite days of the year, and tomorrow's my last one... It's so chill, I get to hang with friends and have an awesome time. Plus it's the one day the band dances with the guard, and it's, if nothing else, hilarious. And we get to skip school, which is always nice.

I also posted my first (or three, rather) Youtube videos today. They're super crappy quality, but the guard needed videos for the Homecoming routine, since the one we took during practice got deleted or something, so I convinced my mom to let me spin inside (no tosses though). But yeah, I feel accomplished. xD

So tomorrow is going to be absolutely awesome. Then I get to cram college apps and homework (like that critical essay...) over the (three-day!) weekend...

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