Saturday, September 18, 2010

We NEED To Get It!!!

So in short, I'm pretty confident about my personal show for next Saturday. The guard in general? Not so much. I'm actually sort of pissed at the attitude this year. I don't want to be mean or anything, but the guard in general is NOT working hard enough. We're supposed to set an example for the band, and right now, we're trailing WAY behind them. The season this year has been way easier than previous seasons, partially because it's parade, but mainly because Elaine is so much "nicer" than Kelly and Jhay were, and the newbies don't seem to be motivated to do well. First guard season was always hard, especially before you get the thrill of a performance, but some of them don't even seem like they want to be here... Most of guard isn't even ability per se, but passion and motivation. If you WANT to do well, and you WORK for it, you'll get there. I mean, come on. You have me, who was pretty much the worst on the field frosh year, and now I'm one of five vets, and on the rifle line.

I actually had a flag talk back to me today and tell me I didn't know how hard it was to stop being afraid of the flag. I seriously went, "Are you kidding?" I was absolutely TERRIFIED of the flag freshman year. It's a freaking 6 foot metal pole! But you know what? I got over it in band camp, and decided that I wouldn't let the flag control me. Oh, we know how you feel, rookies. And we know it doesn't take THAT much to decide you want to be better. We NEED you to be better.

We need to have people stop leaving early and arriving late to practice. We need to have people stop oversleeping. We need to have people stop talking during rehearsals, and stop talking back. We need to have people stop slacking off.
We need to have people start being on time. We need to have people start paying attention during practices and start taking corrections. We need to have people find their motivation.

We need to have people start working their butts off for this performance. As Mr. J said, we've been the best guard these past few years, and if we continue at this rate, honestly... We're going to be one of the worst. We need to show the judges that Cal High can march on the field and on the street. We need to work for what we want, but we can't do that is not everyone is ready to crack down and push it. We need to GET IT.


On the other hand, Ellen, Laura, and I went to Little Mad Fish and Yogurtland after practice and got yummy food. =D We did some of those little exercise sections on the way to the park, then we just stopped off at the library. But it was fun. =]

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