Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Classes Are Interesting... Sometimes

I haven't actually posted much lately, and my classes this week weren't too bad (so far), so I figured I might as well post a little blurb thing.

So the psych lecture on Monday was like, GEARED towards me. They talked about personality types (most people are a combo, so not so much correlation there), phobias (she picked spiders as an example -cough-), stress and coping procedures (need I explain?), and FOOD (xD). Apparently picking at your hair is like, a disorder or something too. Hm. Guess I'm just messed up all around, huh? But anyways, it was interesting, felt like I could really relate to the stuff discussed. =P

Not so much in lit, but we DID get our essays back. I got an A, and apparently had "superlative analysis" and good flow throughout the essay. A few comments, apparently I was a bit too general sometimes, but mainly just alternate ways of looking at things. But yeah, it made me happy that I got an A since he was talking about how he's a really harsh grader. Glad to know that Addison didn't COMPLETELY melt my brain too! xP

On a not-so-related topic, I have like, two or three (I can't really tell, it's sort of this mass) bug bites on the BOTTOM of my foot. It's a pain to walk now. Blah.

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