Sunday, January 21, 2018


How many hands have your hands held?
How many times have you sat at a table and said, "I like you"
"I love you"
To how many people?
How many hearts has your heart touched?
How many lips have you tasted?
How many eyes have your eyes met?
How many nights have been shared?
How many memories spent close to another?
How many girls have you held as they fell asleep?
How many times have you brushed hair out of their faces?
How many circles have you traced on their skin?
How many times did you walk up to give them a hug?
Hold them close?
How many names did you whisper with hope?
How many stories did you give life?
How many days were spent in the company of another, in anticipation of the future?
How many red threads did you weave?

What number am I?


Edit: 15, 8, 9

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