Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Before They Crush My Dreams

Just going to say my classes are pretty amazing.

CHM304 - Definitely going to be hard. Probably going to stress/cry over it a few times this semester. But Sorensen is a great lecturer and I know how to study better now. Plus synthesis seems a lot more interesting than the topics we covered in first semester.

COS126 - Programming seems pretty fun. Granted everything I've done so far is really just getting me used to Java, but having your program work is pretty awesome. I actually really like it, but I can definitely see myself procrastinating other work to do COS that isn't due for a while...

ECO202 - Müller is actually amazing. He's such a great lecturer - he's insanely funny, engaging, and just really awesome to sit in a class with. We were just doing basic stuff today - mean, median, mode, standard deviation - but he made it interesting anyways. It was hilarious because we took a survey Monday, and one of the questions was "What percentage of people do you think will do better than you in this class?" and his plot for that today showed that 70% thought they would be in the top 40%. Awk. Also we had our first nerdchallenge, which was pretty hilarious.

MOL 214 - The simplicity of the textbook (it looks like it's for high school general biology) is a bit disappointing, and the transition from lab in Frick to MOL lab is pretty drastic. But I'm sure we get to do pretty awesome stuff, and the professors seem really enthusiastic. Plus LectureTools is amazing - I completely endorse using it for any class that is based on PPT/slide lectures.

POL316 - Whittington isn't a particularly funny lecturer, but the discussion-based lecture style really works for the class. It legitimately goes by in a flash. He's really good at explaining things in layman's terms too. I'm super excited!

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