Thursday, April 9, 2009

Break is Awesome! Relaxing! Great! And... Boring...

It seriously is. I spent all my break so far doing one of like, five things: 1) Eating, 2) Sleeping, 3) Piano/Homework, 4) TV, and 5) Computer. It's rather lame.

Anyways, not much to look forward to or anything. I'm going bowling on Friday with people I just met, like, 4 days ago. Haha. Shows the extent of my bored-ness. But whatever, they're cool.
But basically, I was talking to Davy (whom I met Saturday, and who is one of the like, 6 people I'm talking to over break, because everyone else is off somewhere), and we were hella bored, so we went on OMGpop and played some Balloono (which I failed at. I killed myself. Four times. Out of seven), and did Jigsawce. Which we failed miserably at. We solved like, three 49 piece puzzles in half an hour. XD It was rather sad. Anyways, we were talking about being bored, and how I never leave my house, besides the movies, bowling, and ice skating. And then we were like, "OMG, WE SHOULD GO BOWLING!" So yeah. It works.
I find it rather funny how I meet some of my friends in the weirdest ways possible.

Okay, Courtney was lingering outside school, and I saw her, and sorta knew who she was, so I was like, "HIIII!!!"
I met Sling in a locker room. While changing.
Mike was when the cat he was playing with escaped from the cage/room and I caught it. XD
I met Kevin through a teacher. Yeah, I know.
Wayne was in my EP contest room, and then he made fun of me for how I was eating a pizza. -.- FYI, Wayne, the only reason I was eating it half-folded up is because I didn't have a plate.
Grace randomly came up to me one day and poked me. So yeah.
And I met Davy at Sling's birthday party. And talked to him when I was asking what the heck he and Sam were doing.

I'm sure I could think of more, but... You get the point. XD

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