Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pigs Going to the Butcher's?

Ugh. Not that immediate sense of doom, but I swear, Foss and Sloan homework is going to chop off like, 10 years of my life... Sloan homework wasn't THAT bad, just taking notes on like 7 pages of text. We have to write a freaking 3 PAGE PAPER on some stupid documentary for English though... Blech...

Anyways, we weighed ourselves in PE today. Either I gained 5 pounds in less than a month, or Mrs. Goddard's scale is different from Mrs. Block's. XD Oh well.
History was fun. We watched this interview with Sully, and Mr. Tisa was subbing for Mr. Sloan. Mr. Tisa's pretty awesome! I wish he taught one of my classes... Lol.
We just watched and reflected on a documentary in English. (Mrs. Foss was gone today too, with her husband... Hm... XD) So that was pretty boring. Then we have a 3 page essay due on Thursday. Ugh...
Lunch was funny. I played badminton with Shekhar and some other people whose names I don't know. XD I suck sooooo much. Oh wells.
We changed seats in biology today... Which kind of sucked, because I liked my old seat... Then we're learning all of this crap about genetics and Mendel's pea plans and crap, and it was SO boring I swear I was about to fall asleep for the first time at school...

Then I didn't have the Mock Trial competition because it was canceled. =( I was really looking forward to it too! Oh well, I get to go next Thursday! =D
I was poking Ross in the car because he wouldn't answer a question, but he like, flinches. A lot. So I stopped after a while. If it was like Kevin or someone, I would've kept going... But I said he squirmed, then he was like, "Don't use that word! It makes me think of little pigs going to the butcher's..." So I was like, "Oh..." Hm... It was sort of weird. But whatever.

1 comment:

jungface said...

i had tisa last year
he's so cool :D