Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Dare You... To Hug That Guy!

So PE today was actually okay; we won on winner's court! Yay! And I actually hit the volleyball. XD I can't serve on winner's court though, it's so much bigger and my serves suck on normal courts already, so... I ran a mile too! In 10 minutes though, but no one tries on 10 minute cardios. XD

History was pretty boring. We took tons of Cultural Literacy notes, then we watched this pretty interesting documentary on Mt. Vesuvius/Pompeii/Herculaneum. But we have this really retarded informative research paper due on some ancient civilization called the Nacirema. Beats me. Oh well.

We have a new student in English! Her name's Caitlin. Or Katelyn. Or whatever. XD But yeah, she's not very talkative, but that might just be because she's new. But, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong but she seems sort of like a semi-sorta-popular girl. or a wannabe. I don't know, but that's the vibe. The fact that she was carrying a purse and holding all her textbooks/binders sorta contributed to that. I don't get why people do that... I mean, seriously? We're at school, not the mall. Oh well. She seems sort of nice though, which is nice.
Haha, it was hilarious today, because we had to do this weird thing, where it's like, "If my name were a(n) object, season, time, animal, etc. what it would be, and why." Then Tedmund said that if his name was a word, it'd be Asian. XDD I made up an awesome one for Robyn, I was like, "If your name were an object, it'd be a yardstick, because that's how tall you are." ROFLMAO. XD Yeah, then Drew wanted to do, "If my name was a Pokemon, it'd be..." But he can't draw Pokemon apparently. So I stole his idea. =P

Lunch was hella funny. We went to the Interact meeting, signed in, and just left. XD I hope we didn't cover anything important. Then Robyn was running up to everyone who had a candy box, asking for Kit-Kats, but everyone was out. =P
Then Robyn and I were like, "If you go hug so-and-so, I'll give you 2 dollars." And so on. XD It was just hilarious. Neither of us ended up hugging anyone though, which is just as well, because the guys would've been like, "...Wtf...?" But yeah.

We just took the test in bio, which was hella easy. But I might've missed a few. XD I asked Mr. Pence the stupidest question too, I was like, "Oh damn, that was retarded..." Then I folded ninja stars the rest of the period. XD And traded it for one of those claw things, because Omar was folding them behind me. =P

All in all, a pretty fun day. Excepting that crapload of homework I have due... Stupid English. And history. -.- Oh well.

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