OMFG, we won sweepstakes at the Independence comp!!!! Go us!!! (For you ignorant people, sweepstakes is 1st place overall). We got 1st guard (88%), 2nd woodwinds, and 2nd brass. Yay!!! Haha, it was totally silent before they announced the sweepstakes winner, then the announcer goes, "Califor-" and is interrupted by a huge mass of people screaming their heads off (me included XP) and hugging the people closest to them. It was awesome!
Rehearsal today went pretty well, it was hella funny because the guard coaches' itineraries said that practice started at 11, but it really started at 10:30, so they were all late. I knew all of the work, but was still a bit late to the opener's closing on a few runs. I got it right during the show though, so that's good. I lost my dot book. *sighs* I owe Mr. Johnson a six-pack of Diet Coke now. XP I'd rather give him that stuff than run 3 miles though. XD
We didn't do much during the bus ride this time, besides getting ready for he show. I couldn't get my eyelashes on (I spent like 10 minutes on that), so the right one kept poking me in the eye during warm-up. XD
So during the show, I messed up on the 18 count move forward (AGAIN >=O), but this time, the flag pole got caught in my hair. Then I didn't notice, so I tried to keep doing work, and it was pulling on my head, so I was like, "Aw sh*t, you're kidding me right...?" It took me SOOOO long (at least it seemed) to get it out of my hair. DX But I got back in, and it doesn't matter, because WE GOT FIRST!!! I swear though, why can't I mess up when I'm in the back?!?! Why must it always be when we're in the front, and I'm almost smack in the middle of the field?!?! Gr. I think it's because that's the time that I really notice we're performing. Because I mean, before then, I'm never really noticing that there are judges and everything, like, consciously, I know this is a show, but it doesn't sink in because everything's going so fast, so it seems like rehearsal. Then I get to the fermata, and I'm like, "Wow, it's really a show..." Then I get flustered and screw up. DX
Afterwards, the drum majors were all like, good job! Then we were all really happy and everything! Yay! Then Jay, Kyle, and Kelly "summon" us over, and they bring us really far from the band, so I was like, "Oh sh*t, there has to be a reason why we're so far from the band..." Then Kelly was like, "How was it?"And we thought it was pretty good, and then she was like, "That was... *big pause, builds suspense* WAY better than last week." Upon which we all started cheering and hugging each other. Then she goes, "Actually, that was your best run yet." Which prompts us to go crazy. XP Then she says how everyone was working really hard, and even though (she said these exact words), "You (a.k.a me) got caught up in your flag like 50 times in 8 counts, but you always knew what was coming, and you'd place your flag there, and within two counts, the guard would get there. Then you'd get caught up again, but you were always thinking ahead." So I was like, "Damn, did I really mess up that bad?" But I was pretty happy about her complimenting me. So she was like, "It goes to show that bad things do happen, but it's how you handle those situations." So we got really good reviews, and it paid off because we got first! W00t!
So yeah, this was an AWESOME show, and it makes me really look forward to the one next week. Now I'm going to go to bed, but I don't know if I can fall asleep since I'm so psyched!
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