Okay, so brief review for those of you that hate long posts: We won 1st for guard, 5th for woodwind, and 2nd overall (all in our division). We lost to Cupertino for the overall by, get this, 0.2 of a point. I know. One freaking fifth of a point. UGH. And get this too... Saratoga won five sweepstakes awards. A.k.a. ALL OF THE FREAKING SWEEPSTAKES! DX
Okay, so rehearsal was HELLA tiring. I swear, I was seriously dead by the time it ended, it wasn't even funny (we had to drive ourselves to Foothill, sine it was only like, 15 minutes away). We got a lot done during rehearsal though, so that was good.
Then I got home, washed my face, and seriously rushed like sh*t to change and get my hair/makeup done. It was crazy. Then I couldn't find the Cal trailer (I mean seriously, why the heck did Mr. Johnson have to park it in the farthest, most inconspicuous place ever?!?!) so I was like, 10 minutes late, which sort of sucked, but there were still people missing, so it wasn't like they'd started without me.
During warm-up, we did a pretty good job; we cleaned everything up, but didn't have the time to do a whole run-through in standstill. =/
The competition itself was... eh... Guard did really well, but I messed up twice; once I got to the fermata sort of late, so I skipped out three counts, then joined back in, the other was when I half dropped a toss (I caught it with one hand; the pole end bounced off the floor, and I got it and kept going), but that one didn't really affect me that much.
As for band music... let's just say that I was really surprised we won second. No offense, but the music was HELLA screwed up... Pit was playing at like, two different tempos, then the drum line wasn't playing with either of the tempos the pit was at, so the actual music was off, since everyone was following a different tempo... It sort of sucked, but the guard was like, "You know what? We'll just stay together and we'll be good." AND WE GOT FIRST!!! W00T!!!
Afterwards, I was hella hyper, and I was jumping around and screaming the whole time before the awards, so I ended up scaring off Jung, Ellen, and partially Courtney and Ying Tao (which means cherry in Mandarin, a.k.a David. His Chinese name is Huang Tao, so I started calling him Tao Zhi, but Ying Tao sounds cooler). Then I stuck to Ross (who was really quiet o.o), and Peter, who kept telling me to shut up. XP I love my friends. Haha. Then near the end of the awards, my "sugar rush" (which wasn't really a sugar rush, because I didn't have any sugar) wore off, and I got pretty tired, so I tried to use Ross as a pillow, but he's a very uncooperative pillow, so I ended up using Peter. Then (this was during the sweepstakes) I kept shooting up and going, "NO WAY, WHAT THE F*CKING HELL?!?!" every time they announced the winner, because it was always Saratoga. -.-
Then afterwards (after I licked the guard trophy and got all hyped up again that is), I started attacking Ying Tao, and he ended up kneeling down when I was jumping up, so I landed on his back, and he gave me a piggy-back ride from the stadium to the trailer, which, by the way, is a really long distance, even without a 98 pound person on your back. It was rather interesting though, and sort of creepy that he actually was able to carry me that whole way without killing himself. Haha. But that was REALLY fun. =D
So basically, I'm hella happy that guard won first, sort of annoyed that Saratoga won ALL the sweepstakes, and hella pissed that we lost to Cupertino by ONE-FIFTH of a point. -.- But whatever, overall, I'm really happy! Yay!
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