Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ice Skating!

I went ice skating today with Black Angel, Pink Bunny, Wooky, and Kevin, plus Shao Yuin and her friends. Haha, I seriously can't ice skate. Kevin did really well for a first timer. It was like my 2nd or 3rd time, depending on if you count that time when I was five and my sister dragged me around for a minute as skating. So technically, my 2nd time. Whatever, I can't skate. xD I fell like once or twice though, better than at Michelle's party.
After that we went to some doughnut shop and the Dollar Tree and walked around. In the rain. Then people left and Kevin and I were waiting for my mom, cuz his mom left to go run errands, and so he was asking me what color my mom's car is, and the Lexus is like... blue/green/gray. xD So he then spent the next like 5 - 7 minutes trying to figure out what color the Lexus was by pointing out blue/green/gray cars. Then he started asking what he should call my mom, like "A Yi" or "Mrs. Tsai" and I was like... "I doubt she cares...?" Lol. Anyways, all in all, a fun day!

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