Friday, February 1, 2008

Bravely Into the World of Trust

We can never determine whether a person will turn out to be our most trusted, loyal friend, or whether he/she will become our worst enemy. As Pink Bunny said, there's no precise method of drawing a line in real life. We can't put mathematical values or symbols on the vague, indecipherable truth. So, how do we get through life? The best we can do is to draw a faint, fuzzed line, the boundary of which we can appooximately tell if someone has betrayed us. It's like the lights of an underground city: there's no precise place where the light ends and darkness ensues, but we can know if someone has ventured completely into the void. However, given the sense of attachment we have entrusted to a person to call them our friend, regardless of whether or not they truly are, I believe that we'll always have a small rip in our heart due to their betrayal. It's like cutting a piece of string with blunt scissors. Instead of a clean, no-looking-back separation, you end up with shredded edges, desperately clinging and searching for the relationship that we have held for so long. As it is with a companion journeying into the unknown, we futilely cling to them, refusing to let go although we know it is hopeless. Sometimes, we go as far as to venture into the darkness, chasing after them, trying to drag them back into the light. However, due to the blindness of trust we place within our friends, ho can we ever determine if a person is truly bad, and a lying cheat, or if it was a slip of the tongue, an unconscious revealing of a secret? Is there even such a thing? How can we determine whether or not a former ally deserves a second chance? Do we have to abide by the rule that everyone deserves a second chance, setting ourselves up for another betrayal, and more pain? Or should we pick the hard way, saying that once trust is broken, it can never be repaired, even though we know that we would probably spend the rest of our lives wondering, what if? What if we had given them a second chance? Also, I've granted unlimited chances in the past, only to be hurt over and over again. Once we've experienced that situation, we place our trust in a container, unlocked only by both key and combination. As I begin to reopen that chest, I wonder, what if it happens again? I resolve to never blindly trust, to trust, but to trust with the knowledge that you can be betrayed. It's this knowledge that dulls the pain. It still hurts like crazy, and you still wander aimlessly, wondering why, but you know for a fact that it was your fault to trust the person, so you can't blame them, nor the world around you. So, the best that we can do to get through this world without completely shutting out the people around us is to make that fuzzy line, that blurred edge, and enter bravely into the world with the knowedge that, yes, I can be betrayed, but I'm not going to wallow in fear of betrayal. We have to go int the world with the knowledge of what pain is, the knowledge and idea we have for a true friend, and go from there. We have to travel into the world, aware and unafraid of disloyalty, and valiantly face the consequences of trust.

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