Friday, August 8, 2014

The Summer Theme: Red

Red perylene bisimides, and a red shirt for the poster session today! Small reminder of a reason I didn't end up going into business: not a big fan of pencil skirts and heels. They're only fun for Mock Trial. =] Leanne and I matched though! It was pretty amusing - she was pretty much the average of PJ and me, in terms of color and attire (and also height and race). But it was a pretty chill time, and infinitely less stressful than presenting at facilities meeting. I had fun explaining what I had done to people who dropped by. The cookies and seven layer bars helped too!

It's a bummer to think that most everyone will be gone after this week though... At least Albert's still in the area, and most of the Crossroads people aren't going anywhere. Still going to miss those who leave though...

Well, at least I'll have some more time to do research. =]

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