Monday, August 19, 2013


Had an absolutely amazing day today!

Grabbed an early brunch/lunch with Andrew and Lucy at Nopalito, a cute and slightly hipster Mexican restaurant.

Met up with Daniel and Elizabeth (!!!) at the Academy, and proceeded to have an absolutely amazing 4 hours seeing tons of different animals, walking through aquarium tunnels... Butterflies and birds and so many different types of fish. It was sincerely amazing. I honestly love aquariums so much - there's no way I could maintain one, but being able to just stand and have fish swim all around you... It's absolutely great.

Had a wonderful service today, about covenants and covenant relationships. Really meaningful and I hope I can really implement it in my life.

Ate a delicious dinner at Beretta and finished it off with some tiramisu and chamomile tea.

I can't believe Blane and Lucy are leaving tomorrow! Work this next week is going to be so lonely... =[

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