Friday, December 28, 2012

Presents in this Galaxy

I meant to write this yesterday, but I didn't get around to it... 


Belated Christmas present from Shu! Pretty awesome - Book of Secrets + Khet: The Laser Game. Came back from shopping to a huge box on the porch. Which had a huge bag in it. My mom and I were so confused haha. In any case, thanks blearghle! 

Also got my Galaxy SIII activated! It's insane how much stuff I can do on here! I need to get music though... Sucks that I'm super lazy and sort of busy... Maybe over Intercession? Or you know, if anyone out there wants to make me a mixtape -nudgenudge-. 

Also got my puzzle ring in the mail! It's the right size now haha. =] I can actually wear it everywhere now - super happy. It does make washing my hands a bit annoying though - I don't want to get it wet, so I always have to take it off. Ah well, whatever. It's a minor setback to always having something I can fiddle with.

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