Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Skipping Class

I always thought my aversion to cutting class was a great advantage, but I feel like I should really learn how to do it... It was such a great asset in high school and stuff - I never missed a day, was never behind... I got to say that I have perfect attendance even though no one kept track of it.

Not ever having an absence has led me to develop this weird "moral" code that pretty much prevents me from skipping class - it doesn't seem worth it, it's disrespectful to the teacher, it's bad time management because I shouldn't need to skip class to finish my other work... My habits have pretty much gotten to the point that they won't allow me to break them, or I'll feel absolutely horrible. But with the math midterm today, I sort of wish I didn't have this "problem," because the extra 2 1/2 hours I could get could really help me solve a few more problems and review some more material. 

I just... I don't know. I don't think it'll change because if I try, I'll just stress about not being in class and feel crappy. -sighs- Well, off to study a bit, then lunch, then precept and study more until the midterm tonight. Wish me luck!

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