Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy =]

I think these past few days were possibly some of the best in my life. I'm sort of ridiculously happy. =] So much homework to do for the rest of break though! x.x Lit essay, gov/psych notes, econ homework, lit/calc/psych/econ tests... Blah.

I also have a ton of random college stuff now, that I probably won't wear... Berkeley sweatshirt, USC + Duke shirts (the Duke is an XL btw, because apparently people can't sort shirts), and a Chicago scarf. The scarf is super tempting though... I might wear it and just hide the embroidered part. xD

So much mail from Princeton!!!

On another note, you know that insane nationwide Presidential Scholars thing for which I applied? The one I just filled out and BS-ed because I knew I wasn't going to get it? Well, I still doubt I'll get it, but I'm a semifinalist! One of 550 in the country, which is pretty good if you ask me. Apparently it's something worth noting for local news stations and schools, so I guess I'll send them the page the Department of Education gave me... San Ramon can be proud. xD I'm special. =P

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