Saturday, March 31, 2012

College Admissions Final!

UC Berkeley/LA/SD (Accepted with Regents x3)
USC (Accepted w/ half ride)
University of Chicago (Accepted with 10k per year)
Caltech (Accepted)
MIT (Waitlisted)
Harvard (Rejected)
Princeton (Accepted with 23k financial aid)
Yale (Rejected)
Columbia (Waitlisted)
University of Pennsylvania (Accepted)
Rice (Accepted)
Duke (Accepted)
Stanford (Rejected)

Alas, that final rejection from Stanford... Tommy and Davy got in though - super proud of both of them! They definitely deserved it!

Ash, well as of now, I guess it looks like I'm off to Princeton. =] Visiting Duke April 9-10, Chicago 19-20, and Princeton 26-28!

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