Thursday, March 1, 2012


Wow, I haven't posted in a while. Ah well.

In any case, life was been pretty swell (aha, swell) these past few days. Finals for Mock Trial went well - a bit shaky, but we'll see tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Regents interview tomorrow! Sort of nervous, but it shouldn't be too bad. xD I'm just worried about making a fool of myself. And since I wrote an essay on handshakes, mine better be good. =P

I've really been enjoying senior year. It's probably just the mindset ("The mind is a place of its own") since I still get a crapton of homework and am pretty busy like, all the time. But it's been fun. I definitely enjoy my classes more, hang out with people more...

It's been happy. No real reason I suppose, but who needs one when the product is happiness? =]

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