Thursday, September 15, 2011


I completely just bombed the calc test today. Pretty damn depressing considering I never got lower than a B on any calc test last year... I almost cried too. I'm supposed to be good at math, so what do I do when I fail at it? It's not like I can be better at anything else... To be completely honest, I don't have anything special going for me personally except being good at academics, math of them being my best subject, so what does it means when I start failing at what I'm best at?

Guard was rough today too. Lots of people didn't learn/remember their drill/work right, so we got criticized by Mr. J. A lot. No more halftime until we can clean this up. And I was counting on guard to cheer me up after that fail...

We took Dusky to the vet today - he's a boy. xP No infestation of fleas and no major health issues. Vaccinations will still be needed, and probably a blood test for FeLV. He's cute; I really want to keep him... Still looking for an owner out there. We're probably going to rename him. I was thinking Coriander (Cory for short) is a pretty cute name, but it's just an option. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

how badly did you bomb it? :\
dusky is good, why rename him?

Tsaichu said...

Probably pretty damn badly. I left one virtually blank, completely BS-ed one in about 2 seconds because I couldn't get it (and got it wrong, if that matters), and probably screwed up another two. Yeah. Great.

Anonymous said...

wow, why do u think your not getting it, you seemed to beast it all last yr

Tsaichu said...

I don't know. That's why it scares me. I came home and it's not like I don't know how to do it, I just couldn't.

Anonymous said...

are u studying differently now maybe?

Tsaichu said...

That is probably a factor, plus I think I've just been really stressed and hectic lately... I did alright on the one today - not well, but definitely not as bad...

Anonymous said...

whats been stressing u out? sounds bad :(

Tsaichu said...

What hasn't been stressing me out...? ><

Anonymous said...

not very informative....