Thursday, February 10, 2011

So Colleges...

I'm glad you're supposedly interested in my "high academic achievement" and "intellectual mind," but receiving 13 e-mails from you in a day is just ridiculous. I thought getting 45 in a week was bad... Plus I don't even know like 95% of you... Seriously, the only familiar names have been Colgate, Rochester, Santa Clara University, Ohio State, U. of Chicago, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Rice, and Dartmouth.

I like that you're interested, I really do... Could you just tone it back a bit? I'm sort of overwhelmed as it is without having to check up on 13 colleges a day, trying to figure out if they're worth applying to. Besides, these e-mails are based on my PSAT score, and my SAT score isn't that high, so you might want to reconsider asking me to apply anyways... In any case, thanks for the offers, just don't send out your e-mails on the same day s'il vous plait.

1 comment:

Mika said...

You've heard about Colgate?! I thought it was toothpaste.