Saturday, January 15, 2011


Finals are going to suck.
I'd love if I could have straight solid As, but I can't get a solid A in bio, so...


Mock Trial - I love this class. I actually have a passion for it, and it doesn't add any stress to my workload. It's actually like my chill-out class, and it's nice it's only offered A period, because then I don't have to worry about having to go to some ridiculous class every day. It gets sort of competitive at times, and I still get nervous, but it's amazing. In any case, the final (as always) is going to be a run-through of the case. Not worried about this class in the slightest. =]


Yoga - Another class in which I don't have to worry about the final. It would be sort of sad if I did... But it's just true/false type questions and matching pictures of poses with their names. I could probably legitimately fail this final and still have an A. Or I could legitimately fail this, and not have an A, and it wouldn't even matter because I'm taking it pass/fail! xD

Chem - I'm worried about this. I'm pretty sure I can get at least an A-, but I'd really like an A in this class. Given how I've been doing on tests in this class, I'm not sure I can get a solid A, but I'll try... =\ I'll have time to study for this though, since I'm definitely not doing squat for the yoga final. xD


Calc - I better get a solid A in this class. If by some freak event of nature I don't, I'll be tremendously disappointed in myself. But this is another final I won't really worry about. I'll review a bit so I don't forget formulas and theorems and whatnot, but I'm pretty much good.

Bio - So screwed. It's my lowest grade right now, and I need to get at least a B+ to get an A-... And I need over 100% to get an A. I'll need to study like hell... =[ It's funny how the one class I need to study the most for is paired with the one "easy" class that I still need to review for... At least I don't have bio and chem on the same day... I would shoot myself.


APUSH - I'm sort of worried about this class. Probably not going to get a solid A unless I happen to get a solid A on my final, so... It shouldn't be too hard getting an A-, especially since I'm pretty sure Mr. Hodges would round up if I happened to get an 89.6% or whatever. I'll need to study a bit, but if I'm just aiming for A-s, I'm good.

English - On the other hand, I have time to study for APUSH, since my English grade will be fine. If I want an A, I'll need like a 66% (36% for an A-). I think I did pretty well on the written portion, and the final won't be too specific, so I'll just review the crapload of notes I have, and I should get at least a 66%. =P


I rather like my final days this year. I have one easy class with one I need to study for. Now I just need to get around to studying for them... -sighs- But bio is the one final I feel especially screwed for. The rest I only feel screwed for if I want a solid A. I'm fine with A-s though, especially since I'm at least going to have one, so yeah. I just really hope I don't get a B in bio. I can't afford it, considering I got one in Euro last semester... ='[

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