Monday, November 1, 2010

That Was Just Rude...

So Mr. J was asking guard where one of our members was at the beginning of practice, since she's always late because she's with her boyfriend. But even so, we don't bring it up because that's just rude. Then this other girl in guard just says, "Oh, she's outside making out with her boyfriend. She'll be here soon since we told her practice was starting." Laura, Clarie, and I were all like "...WTF." I mean, yeah, we all know where she is, and we aren't happy with it, but we're not going to tell Mr. J that. If you wanted to complain about her consistent late-ness, just say something like, "Oh she's running late as usual, but she'll be here soon." You still get the message across that she's always late, but it's not outright rude... Then when the girl came in, Mr. J was like, "Get in here and sit down. You can make out with your boyfriend on your own time, not on my time." I felt SO bad for her... It was sort of mean for Mr. J to do that too though; that's not something that should be discussed/brought up in front of the whole band...

Then when I tried to talk to the other girl (the one who told Mr. J where our member was), it went sort of like:

Me: Uhm, in the future, you might not want to tell Mr. J something like that, because it's a bit rude.
Her: Well, it doesn't matter, it's a problem.
Me: But still...
Her: I mean, if this gets her to practice on time, then I don't care.

Then a bit later, she comes up to me and says something along the lines of, "And I don't appreciate you talking to me like that. I've been doing Colorguard as long as you have and I know how this stuff works." And then some other stuff; I sort of stopped listening since I was pretty pissed that at point. Like seriously, I don't care if you've been doing Colorguard as long as I have, or longer even. It's just plain rude. It doesn't even really have anything to do with Colorguard, it has to do with manners...

Anyways, that just sort of pissed me off. I have to keep myself from punching something for about 10 minutes after that. This is also the girl who usually acts like she knows everything. And the girl who got kicked out of practice once for talking back to the instructor. Or so I hear, but I'm pretty sure my source (ooh, so secretive) wouldn't lie. But yeah, whatever. I don't care. I just thought that was amazingly rude, and then the fact that she wouldn't even consider how mean it was to say that to the band director, who then humiliated the girl in front of everyone. I'm not saying that it's right for her to be with her boyfriend during practice, but seriously? Please learn some manners...

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