Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! ♥


This was absolutely AMAZING. Best one yet in my opinion, contending with the Prisoner of Azkaban though. Lots of action, and a few scenes are sort of weird, but it's wayyy better than the last three... Lots of humor spread throughout too, so that's nice. =] Anyways, it was totally worth it to go watch and be tired during school tomorrow/today. =D


On the downside, I lost my phone. Again. But I think it got stolen this time, because I'm pretty sure that I put it in my backpack for photos. In any case, it's gone. I suspended service too, so no calls or texts. Just in time for Thanksgiving Break... -sighs- But if anyone finds an LG EnV Touch with a ghost sticker on the back, that's mine.

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