Saturday, October 2, 2010

Club Can't Handle Us

So the halftime yesterday at the Cal High vs. Monte Vista game was AMAZINGGGG. Guard absolutely owned out there. Definitely way better than the first halftime routine. =D Pretty much everyone was in sync for almost the whole time, and it was just awesome. GET IT GUARD!

Laura, Ellen, Clarie, and I decided to go to Little Mad Fish and Yogurtland afterward, and I invited Ross along. Poor guy must have felt so out of place. xD But it's okay, we all love you Ross! (As evidenced by the fact that we had a nice half hour conversation about him later at the sleepover.)
So Little Mad Fish consisted of chopstick mustaches, drawing things with wasabi and that sweet potato fries sauce, and random quips about random things.
Yogurtland was amazing; about halfway through, after we (guard people at least) had a laughing fit, Ellen starts cracking up and can't stop, so everyone looks at her. Then I start cracking up because she's laughing so hard, and Clarie and Laura keep laughing after too, and Ross is just sitting there going, "Uhm..."
We got a ton of pennies as change too, so we went to the little fountain down a ways, and put our backs to the fountain and threw in pennies after making wishes. =]

Ross left a bit after that, and the rest of us went to Clarie's, where we got to wash off all our makeup (from the football game) and get ready for bed. We all ended up sleeping in Clarie's room (Ellen slept on the floor), and talked a bit about the competition and stuff, and Ross. xD It was pretty awesome.

Watch the Halftime Routine (10/1/10).


So Laura, Ellen, Clarie, and I all woke up at 5 today (we were supposed to be up by 3 and at the band room by 4:30, 4:50 the latest). So it went something like...

Ellen: It's five. Wait. IT'S FIVE!?
Clarie: -jumps out of bed-
Laura: -bolts upright- WHAT?!
Me: WTF IT'S FIVE?!?! WHAT?!?!
Clarie/Ellen's mom: -runs down the hallway- Ta-ppy! Ta-ppy! (Clarie's puppy)

It was absolutely terrifying at the time, since we were afraid the band might leave us behind, but it's amazingly funny once you look back on it. We were out of bed, ready, and in the band room in 13 minutes (probably actually a bit less since we woke up a little after five). But it's okay, the band didn't leave us. And I don't think they would have, even if we were a bit later, because what would the guard do with 4/5 rifles missing? xD

The competition at Del Mar went okay. Band did really well, guard not so much. I screwed up SO much, which is really disappointing. -sighs- But if you think about it, we just finished the show on Thursday and put it together this morning, so... Could have been a lot worse.

Afterward, I got Jamba Juice (Strawberries Wild =P) and a hot dog and two of those long rainbow swirly lollipops. It was yummy. =D Laura, Ellen, Clarie, and I attacked Ross with a hug after (well really just Laura and I since Clarie and Ellen didn't make it there in time). It was rather amusing.

Then half the guard went on a "manhunt" for the drum major of Fremont, or, in other words, "the blond dude in white with the gorgeous face." Pretty funny. Meanwhile, Clarie, Mindy, and I hung out with some band geeks. xD

Courtney was wearing contacts today!!! =]

Later, we were trying to get Ross's attention for some weird reason, so we screamed "HEY ROSS!!!" about 7 times to no avail. Then Ellen (Ninja) screams "HEY SEXY!" and he turns around. It was amazingggg. xD Poor guy had no idea what he did.

I fell asleep on the bus ride back, so not much to say about that.

Laura, Clarie, and I attacked Ross with more hugs after when we got back to Cal, but he was all stiff and awkward. So David comes over and I was telling him about Ross's being huggable, but not... huggable. Then David says that I need to condition Ross, so for about 5-10 minutes afterward was David and me chasing Ross around the band room trying to give him hugs. xD I actually got hugs from him though! -gasps- I say he gave me like 2, he says 4. Whatever. =P It was pretty fun.

So the competition wasn't exactly the best, but competition day was amazing! xD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess it's true that playing hard to get works