Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rather Weird Dreams...

So I had three dreams that were amazingly weird...

So in the first dream, Cory, Minyoung, Nick, some girl named Yoona (yes, spelled that way, not Sling's sis), and I had this pet hawk that we were training. And then Nick was driving us to some competition or something (Yoona had shotgun, I was in the backseat on the left, Minyoung was in the middle, and Cory was on the right), which was weird. Then we had this whole maze thing that we had to go through, and every once in a while we'd meet some random animal and its trainer, and we'd have to do tasks assigned to us by them. And one of them was to like, have our hawk scare off a bear that looked amazingly like an Ursaring. And we saw a baby crocodile doing it too.
Then we had to go through this marshland thing after the maze, and I woke up before we started to cross it.


The second dream was way more detailed. So I was going to prom with friends, and my date was some random guy. So before we went to prom, we decided to go to Macy's to eat at Cheesecake Factory, but while we were waiting to get called, we all got separated, then Robyn and I were by ourselves, and this stalker kept following us (he was like this teenage guy with brownish hair and blue eyes). So while trying to get away from him, Robyn and I ran up escalators and stuff, and eventually we got separated too. So I ducked into the ladies' changing room, and found a guy in the handicapped stall (beats me why he was there) and I talked to him for a while about some history or something (I forget the specifics), and then the stalker gets into the changing room too, and somehow sees exactly where I am.
Then these girls and the guy distract him, so I duck back out of the changing rooms, and run up more escalators until I got to the 6th level, which was the entrance to the Cheesecake Factory, and then I got into the elevator, but somehow the stalker caught up to me and got in the elevator with me. Then on the way down, I found out he wasn't a bad guy at all, and that my former prom date was like a schizo or something. So we worked together to try to catch the guy, and when we found him, he kept talking about API scores or something. I have no idea what the heck those are... Then I woke up.


My last dream wasn't as weird; it was like marching band practice. But we had really weird training. Like we were playing water balloon dodgeball. And doing sprints (which isn't that unusual). But then we had to skip sideways. And this was all on the lawn outside some restaurant, not on the field.
And afterwards, we got lunch at the restaurant, and there was a TON of food. And pigs in a blanket (don't ask me why I remember that in particular). So yeah, and Mr. J was paying for everyone's lunch. Which normally would never happen, but I guess anything's possible in a dream.

So anyways, those dreams were really weird. But they were amusing at the same time. Better than nightmares, or not having any dreams at all. xD

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