Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paper Cranes

So today was by far the longest day of the week. Just in terms of class periods. No testing today, so back to our normal 100 minute periods. Finished my chem and physics homework in class though! But then in French, we had an AP practice oral exam, which I EPICALLY failed at. -sighs- Oh well.

There was a rally during tutorial/brunch, but Mrs. Breton let us stay inside if we wanted. I watched some from the balcony; there are people at our school that are pretty damn good dancers...

Lunch was sort of amusing. I was doing something or the other, and it ends up with Zach holding my arms (like always) but Robyn just decided to come hold my legs, so I almost got dropped since Zach wasn't expecting it. And then Robyn got her shoes stolen... again. So she took Ross' backpack, and Ross, being Ross, just follows her going, "Can I have my backpack back?" and "I need my backpack" but not actually doing anything about it. Until after a while, I guess he got sort of fed up and just grabbed it. Then I grabbed the handle and Zach lifted me up. Upside down. It was like -grab backpack handle- -BOOM- -world turns upside down-. It was interesting, but not exactly the best thing in the world. xD And sadly, Zach has realized that in that situation, I can't really do much, or else he might drop me. And so the friend-induced torture continues. =P


Chinese school was pretty uneventful, except Jimmy was being a retard, as usual. Then Stanley kept trying to take my stuff. Namely my oatmeal raisin cookie. But near the end, Lance started folding paper cranes, so I followed his example, and after a while, we had a paper crane family complete with a dad, mom, children, and a few aunts/uncles. xD

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