Friday, February 5, 2010

Sooo... Euro...

It's possibly the most pointless class I've ever taken. And it's also possibly the class I've spent the most time on. Stupid Euro notes have eaten up at least a month of my life. That's 24 hour days, 7 day weeks... But anyways, chapter 24 isn't that bad, it's about stuff like Freud and art, so it's actually sort of interesting. Better than 7 different treaties and 4 different Alexanders at least...

Anyways, not much has been up. CAHSEE was epically boring; I finished SO much homework during testing, and I don't even like, work work. I procrastinate work. Meaning I do a problem or two, "sleep" for five minutes, repeat. The math portion was ridiculously easy; there was a question that went like "How many cubic cm of water are in 5,000,000 mL of water? (Hint: 1 cubic cm = 1 mL)." Like seriously? That's the standard to graduate from high school?

I'm going to go see "Dear John" this weekend! Yay! I want to read the book first, but I don't know if that's going to work... Ah well. The one thing I'm looking forward to. I also have SAT testing and another Mock Trial get-together on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. I'm so busy these days, it makes me depressed...

Oh yeah, and Mrs. M got mad at me for having to leave early from Kumon on Fridays to go to Chinese school. So, her solution? I don't have to go to Kumon on Fridays anymore! Yay! xD I don't really care; I mean, it's not like I really use any money at all... It's nice having money and everything, but at this rate, I still make about $100 a month, and each month, extreme max, I only use like $20. Usually I don't use any. So... whatever. =P

I just had an epic status convo (191 comments)! It was pretty weird. I bet if some random person reads it over, he won't get 99% of what we said. We're just too cool for NORMAL people.

Anyways, I should go back and touch up my Euro notes a bit; I'm like, done though. Actually, you know what? Screw touching up notes. I don't care if I misspelled something or whatever. I'm going to bed. G'night guys!

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